The ACCC has issued a determination granting authorisation to the Metropolitan Waste and Resource Recovery Group (MWRRG) and a group of 31 councils located across metropolitan Melbourne (together, the Applicants) to jointly procure services for receiving residual waste and related ancillary services.

The ACCC grants authorisation for 10 years until 8 January 2030.

The ACCC considers that the Proposed Conduct is likely to result in public benefits in the form of transaction cost savings and other efficiencies. The ACCC considers that any public detriment arising from the Proposed Conduct is likely to be minimal.

Authorisation provides a legal exemption where the likely public benefits outweigh the likely public detriments. Collective tendering and contracting by the Applicants, who would otherwise be competing to acquire their waste disposal services, may otherwise breach competition laws.

Further information about the ACCC’s decision is available on the public register at: Metropolitan Waste and Resource Recovery Group & Ors (landfill).