The ACCC has granted conditional interim authorisation to PHA to enable private health insurers to coordinate on providing financial relief to policy holders during the COVID-19 pandemic, and broadening insurance coverage to include COVID-19 treatment, tele-health and medical treatment provided at home.

The arrangements are a continuation of those previously authorised by the ACCC in 2020 in the context of the public health insurers providing financial relief and assistance to policy holders during the COVID-19 pandemic. The 2020 authorisation would have expired on 31 March 2021.

PHA seeks re-authorisation for a further 6 months and has requested interim authorisation while the ACCC considers the substantive application for re-authorisation.

The ACCC notes that the situation in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic remains uncertain in the short term. This ongoing uncertainty, and the possibility of restrictions being introduced at short notice, may have particular impacts on the provision of services for policy holders by private health insurers. Given this, the ACCC considers that there appears to be an ongoing need for private health insurers to be able, in limited circumstances, to engage in coordinated activities to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic, at least in the short term.

The ACCC has decided not to grant interim authorisation for certain elements of conduct for which PHA is seeking authorisation for. Further details are available in the Interim authorisation decision at: Private Healthcare Australia Limited

To inform the ACCC’s consideration about whether to grant substantive authorisation for the coordination, the ACCC is now seeking submissions about the application for authorisation. Further details about the application and how to make a submission are available on the ACCC public register at: Private Healthcare Australia Limited