The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission today issued a discussion paper calling for submissions on Telstra's revised access undertakings for core telecommunications services.

The undertakings specify the price and some non-price terms and conditions proposed by Telstra for access to the PSTN originating and terminating services, the local carriage service (LCS) and the unconditioned local loop service (ULLS) over the next three years.

These services enable Telstra's competitors to provide local, long-distance, international, fixed-to-mobile and mobile-to-fixed calls, as well as certain broadband services.

ACCC Chairman, Mr Graeme Samuel, noted that, in submitting the revised undertakings, Telstra have responded positively to the ACCC's indicative prices for these services, which were announced in October.  The charges proposed by Telstra in the revised undertakings   appear consistent with the ACCC's position. 

This means the undertakings are substantially different from those lodged in January 2003, which have been withdrawn.

The ACCC has undertaken considerable work and has consulted widely on the previous undertakings and in determining model prices for these services.  This has meant that, on this occasion, it is appropriate for the ACCC to state a preliminary view on the acceptability of these undertakings.

"Given the importance of these fixed network services to competitors, it is very important to ensure the terms of access are reasonable and represent a fair balancing of the interests of Telstra and its competitors who are seeking access to Telstra's networks.

"While the ACCC has considered many relevant issues through the previous undertaking and model price terms and conditions processes, interested parties are encouraged to provide submissions on the revised undertakings".

Under the Trade Practices Act 1974 the ACCC has six months to determine whether to accept or reject the proposed undertakings following their receipt on 14 November 2003.

Copies of the ACCC's preliminary view and other documentation relevant to the access undertakings (including the undertakings, Telstra's supporting submissions and other material) will be available shortly on the ACCC website.

The ACCC seeks submissions on the undertakings and its preliminary view by no later than five weeks from the date upon which Telstra makes certain relevant information reasonably available for the assessment of interested parties.