The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission has today allowed South Australia to delay the introduction of competition in some types of metering services to enable a smooth transition to full retail competition in the electricity market.

Metering services involve the provision, installation and maintenance of electricity measuring equipment for domestic and business users.

Full retail competition begins in South Australia on 1 January 2003, and will allow consumers to choose their electricity retailer.

"Introducing competition in metering services is not necessary at this stage for the benefits of full retail competition to be realised", ACCC Chairman, Professor Allan Fels, said today. "It is important to the competitive process that there is an environment conducive to consumers switching retailers.

"Simplifying the process for consumers to switch retailers by not requiring them to purchase a new meter, or chose a metering service provider, will create such an environment".

A copy of the determination is available on the ACCC's website: or from Mrs Maxine Helmling on (02) 6243 1246.