The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission today issued the seventh current cost accounting report relating to Telstra.

The report contains current cost financial information for 'core' telecommunications access services*. It constitutes the information that the ACCC is required to make public in respect to current cost accounting under the Direction issued by the Minister for Communications, Information Technology and the Arts in June 2003.

The report provides present day valuations of Telstra's assets that are compared with the historical or original costs of these assets. The report also includes profit and loss and capital employed statements on a current cost basis.

The report indicates that on a current cost basis, the aggregate values of assets for the core access services are higher than the historical asset valuations.

It is important to note that the information does not represent the forward-looking cost of assets nor is it calculated using a fully or substantially optimised network configuration.**

Copies of the report will be available on the ACCC's website.