The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission has issued a decision proposing to grant authorisation* to the Recruitment & Consulting Services Association Limited for arrangements relating to a code for professional practice and related documents, which together set out professional standards.

If these standards are not met, penalties such as expulsion, suspension and fines may be imposed on members.

The code states that members must observe a high standard of ethics, probity and professional conduct in all dealings.

An earlier version of the code has been authorised for the past five years, expiring on 15 October 2008. The RCSA has made some minor changes to the code in order to clarify its operation in relation to matters that have arisen during its operation.

The ACCC proposes to authorise the arrangements for five years.

"The ACCC considers that the arrangements are likely to continue to provide effective market regulation, promoting equitable dealings in the employment services market and improving business efficiency," ACCC Chairman, Mr Graeme Samuel, said today.

The ACCC seeks submissions from interested parties in relation to its draft determination by Wednesday 17 December 2008. The ACCC's draft determination will be available from the ACCC website. 

For media inquiries to the ACCC Chairman, Mr Graeme Samuel, please call Ms Lin Enright, ACCC Media, on (02) 6243 1108 or 0414 613 520.

For general inquiries, please call the Infocentre: 1300 302 502.

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