The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission today released an issues paper seeking submissions on the development of water charge rules for fees and charges payable to irrigation infrastructure operators.

The water charge rules form a key component of the Water Act 2007, which creates new institutional and governance arrangements to address the sustainability and management of water resources and water infrastructure assets in the Murray Darling Basin. 

The water charge rules must relate to regulated water charges and contribute to achieving the basin water charging objectives and principles.

"Water charge rules applied consistently across the basin will facilitate the efficient functioning of water markets by removing distortions to trade and by sending signals to water users about efficient investment in water infrastructure assets," ACCC Chairman, Mr Graeme Samuel, said today. 

"Water charges based on the full cost recovery for water services will contribute to achieving an economically efficient and sustainable use of water resources and water infrastructure assets."

Submissions must be provided to the ACCC by 5 pm on Tuesday 15 July 2008. A copy of the issues paper, which includes details on how to make a submission, will be available from the ACCC website.

There will be further opportunity to inform the ACCC's development of water charge rules prior to preparation of final advice to the Minister. Specifically, the ACCC proposes to prepare draft rules to be released in the second half of 2008 for further consultation. 
