The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission today issued a discussion paper canvassing issues it proposes to consider when monitoring and reporting on competition in the corporate customer segment of the telecommunications market.

The ACCC is required to prepare six-monthly reports on this market in accordance with a Ministerial Direction issued earlier this year. The first report will cover the period ending on 31 December 2003.

The discussion paper seeks comment on issues relating to:

  • the definition of the corporate customer segment of the telecommunications market and the current participants in this segment;
  • the ACCC's proposed methods for analysing competition in this segment and the ability of these methods to effectively capture the state of competition in the corporate segment; and
  • the current and anticipated future state of competition in this customer segment.

The discussion paper is available from the ACCC website or by calling Cristy Williams on (02) 6243 1206.

Responses to the paper are due by 5 pm on Wednesday 14 January 2004 and should be addressed to Cristy Williams, PO Box 1199, Dickson, ACT 2602.