The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission today issued a draft determination proposing to grant authorisation* to a number of amendments relating to Connection Point Responsibility in the National Electricity Code.

"The ACCC considers that the proposed amendments would provide greater certainty for service providers (designated service providers and second tier retailers) in terms of defining who is financially liable for power used by a contestable customer", Mr John Martin, Commissioner, said today. "The changes are in response to actual market events where a second tier retailer has been contracted to supply energy to a customer and but has failed to register the customer's connection point with NEMMCO.

"The changes to the code relate to the clarification of responsibilities when registering new customers with NEMMCO. The proposed changes also help to establish whether the designated service provider or the second tier retailer is financially liable for the power used by a customer.

“In the ongoing transition to full retail competition in the National Electricity Market, amendments that limit potential disputes between service providers will result in a net public benefit".

Before the ACCC issues its final determination, interested parties who are dissatisfied with the ACCC's draft determination can request a pre-determination conference to discuss the operation and effect of the draft determination or make an additional submission.

A copy of the draft determination will be available on the ACCC's website or from Mrs Maxine Helmling on (02) 6243 1246.

*Authorisation under Part VII of the Trade Practices Act 1974 (the TPA) provides immunity from court action for certain types of market arrangements or conduct that would otherwise be in breach of Part IV of the TPA, where the Commission concludes that the public benefits of the arrangements or conduct would outweigh the anti-competitive detriments of such arrangements or conduct.