A publication to help families choose safe nursery furniture and equipment for their infants, Keeping Baby Safe, has been issued by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission.

"Accidents with nursery furniture and equipment cause one in five injuries to babies in their first year of life", ACCC Chairman, Mr Graeme Samuel said today.*

"Prams and strollers, high chairs, baby walkers, bouncinettes, change tables and cots have all been linked to child injuries, while cots, prams and strollers have been associated with child deaths.

"Keeping Baby Safe identifies some of the high risk products for babies", he said.

"It offers tips on what to look for before you buy products and tips to create a safe home environment and how to ensure that baby furniture and equipment are well maintained and remain safe for your child".

Mr Samuel said the booklet reminded parents and other carers that hazards changed as a baby developed.

There were three key safety rules when dealing with nursery furniture and equipment:

  • follow the advice on product warning labels
  • use products according to the manufacturer's instructions and their intended use
  • check products for wear and tear.

The booklet details individual types of nursery equipment and furniture, with comments specific to their selection, use and safety.

Mr Samuel said the ACCC is also currently working on a review of the mandatory standard for children's cots.

"The Consumer Product Safety Standard for Baby Bath Aids was the first mandatory standard developed by the ACCC under its new product safety responsibilities.

"This standard, and the education campaign which accompanied it, reflect the fact that it is not always products themselves, but rather the manner in which they are used, which poses a danger to consumers. This is frequently the case with products that are used by children".

Copies of Keeping Baby Safe, and other related publications, are available from all ACCC offices in capital cities and Townsville; from the ACCC website, or from the Infocentre 1300 302 502 (cost of a local call).

*Mr Samuel launched the booklet at the Society of Compliance Professionals annual conference in Brisbane today. A full text of the speech is available from the ACCC website.
