The Product Recalls Australia website ( has been upgraded to include product images with other details of recalled items.

"The inclusion of product images will help consumers and suppliers to identify the items subject to safety recalls," ACCC Chairman, Mr Graeme Samuel, said today. "This should encourage improved responses to recalls to remove these goods from the market."

The images are now published, when available, on each individual recall page as an icon which, when selected, expands to a product image to provide sufficient detail to readily identify each product.

If more than one product is included in a recall, then an image would be included for each item. Suppliers are requested to provide product images, preferably electronically, to the ACCC when notifying product recalls.

Consumers and suppliers are encouraged to consult the Products Recall Australia website periodically to check whether they may be affected by particular recalls.

The site features a Recalls: last 30 days icon on the home page to allow a quick examination of recently announced recalls, and also provides guidelines for suppliers who may require assistance with planning and conducting recalls.
