After industry requests the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission has extended the time for comments on a draft costing model for Telstra's interconnection charges, Estimating the Long Run Incremental Costs of Providing PSTN Access (NERA Report).

Submissions will now be accepted up to Friday 20 November 1998.

"There has been a lot of interest in the NERA report", Mr Rod Shogren, Commissioner responsible for telecommunications said today. "A significant number of industry players wanted more time to examine the NERA model. The ACCC considers it is best to extend the time for comment".

Exposing the draft report for industry scrutiny is important to help estimate the costs to other carriers for interconnection to Telstra's network. Interconnection charges are a part of the cost of long-distance calls.

"The final NERA report will play a important role in forming the ACCC's draft decision on Telstra's proposals for interconnections charges," Mr Shogren said.

The extension means the ACCC's draft decision on Telstra's proposed interconnection charges will be deferred to early 1999.