Telstra should cease jibbing on Australian consumers and come clean with its broadband plans, Australian Competition and Consumer Commission Chairman, Mr Graeme Samuel, said tonight.

"At vast expense to its shareholders, Telstra has been running a campaign against policies that seek to ensure world-class telecommunications services at a fair price to consumers and with a reasonable return to shareholders," Mr Samuel told the Tasmanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

"Instead of putting its plan before all Australians – so it can be considered calmly and coolly – Telstra seeks to whip up public anxiety about self-manufactured obstacles in its path.

"If it is good enough for its competitors to put their broadband plan to an impartial adjudicator, it should be good enough for Telstra.

"All parties are agreed on one thing – high speed broadband is of intense interest and importance to all 20 million Australians. It's a big investment – and will impact on all of us in the way that we communicate with our fellow Australians and internationally", he said.

"The future of Australian telecommunications cannot be decided behind closed doors, bypassing scrutiny and through secret deals.

"The G9, after presenting a draft proposal to the ACCC for comment, has indicated that it will shortly provide its plan for public scrutiny. 

"It's time for Telstra – which had first opportunity in this matter – to do the same.

"What is Telstra seeking to hide? A monopoly designed to beggar the competition?

"The law requires that decisions as important as the future of broadband supply in Australia be made in an open transparent way.

"The public and competitors must have the chance to make comment on how this is done – whether it's the G9 proposal, Telstra or anybody else. 

"The ACCC has three criteria which it will apply without fear or favour. These are to:

  • promote investment
  • promote competition, and
  • protect consumers against paying monopoly prices and to promote innovation and highest quality services.

"Australia can rapidly move into the fast lane of telecommunications. There need be no delays. Progress is possible. Telstra needs to start talking now".