Description of Conduct

Energy Assured Limited has sought minor variation to Authorisations A91258 and A91259 to permit its Code of Practice (Scheme) to be amended to clarify how it applied to Energy Marketers that provide a comparator service (Comparators). Comparators can represent more than one Energy Retailer at one time when conducting door to door energy sales. Some parts of the Code of Practice as drafted create some small interpretation and operational ambiguities for compliance by Comparators and the Sales Agents that represent them. Energy Assured Limited submits that the minor variation is necessary as Comparators are a natural class of Energy Marketer that deserve accommodation within the Scheme with clarity.

On 21 March 2013, the ACCC issued a determination varying the authorisations as requested by EAL.


  • Energy Assured Limited

Authorisation number(s)

  • A91258
  • A91259