Description of Conduct

The North East Waste and Resource Recovery Group (NEWRRG) on behalf of itself, eight Councils (seven in north east Victoria and the Albury City Council in New South Wales) and three alpine resort managements in north east Victoria, is applying for revocation of Authorisation A91551 and substitution of new authorisation A91585. Authorisation A91551 allows NEWRRG and the Victorian councils of Alpine Shire, Benalla Rural, Indigo Shire, Mansfield Shire, Towong Shire, Rural City Council of Wangaratta, the City of Wodonga and the Falls Creek, Mt Hotham and Mt Buller Mt Stirling Alpine Resort Managements to jointly procure waste and resource recovery and processing services within a prescribed geographic area. NEWRRG is authorised to conduct collaborative tender processes for service and participate in the ongoing administration of the relevant supply contracts.

NEWRRG now seeks authorisation A91585 to add Albury City Council to the Councils for which it can act.

On 7 June 2017, the ACCC granted interim authorisation for (1) NEWRRG and the eight councils (including Albury City Council) to tender for tyre recycling services and (2) for NEWRRG and the Victorian Councils (but not Albury City Council) to engage in conduct of the kind previously authorised under A91551.

On 13 September 2017, the ACCC released a determination granting authorisation until 31 December 2028.


  • Albury City Council
  • Alpine Shire Council
  • Benalla Rural City Council
  • City of Wodonga Council
  • Falls Creek Alpine Resort Management Board
  • Indigo Shire Council
  • Mansfield Shire Council
  • Mt Buller Mt Stirling Alpine Resort Management
  • Mt Hotham Alpine Resort Management
  • North East Waste and Resource Recovery Group
  • Rural City of Wangaratta Council
  • Towong Shire Council

Authorisation number(s)

  • A91585