Description of Conduct

Tabcorp Wagering Manager (Vic) Pty Ltd (Tabcorp) sought revocation of authorisations A91323- A91328 and substitution with new authorisations for those revoked to give effect to an amended agreement with RWWA that governs its participation in the SuperTAB pool operated by Tabcorp until 15 August 2024.

Amendments to the agreement between Tabcorp and RWWA sought to clarify the circumstances in which RWWA is permitted to transmit bets made through third parties to Tabcorp for inclusion in the SuperTAB pool.

On 3 June 2016, the ACCC issued a determination re-authorising the arrangements until 15 August 2024.


  • Tabcorp Wagering Manager (Vic) Pty Ltd

Authorisation number(s)

  • A91528