
  • IGA Distribution (SA) Pty Limited
  • IGA Distribution (Vic) Pty Limited
  • IGA Distribution Pty Limited
  • Metcash Trading Limited

Notification number(s)

  • N40559
  • N40560
  • N40571
  • N40572


The ACCC has concluded its review a series of notifications lodged by Metcash Trading Limited in 2003 in light of recent acquisitions by Metcash of a number of fresh produce suppliers. In particular, the ACCC was reviewing one aspect of the notified arrangements whereby Metcash offers IGA retailers volume rebates on certain purchases from IGA Distribution warehouses calculated in part based on the value of fresh produce purchases made by the retailer from IGA Fresh.

The ACCC has concluded its review and decided to take no further action in respect of these notifications at this time.