
  • Prevar Limited

Notification number(s)

  • N98517
  • N98518


Prevar Ltd is commercialising a new pear variety (Australian Trade Mark Registration No. 1495591, plant breeder's rights application number 2013/136 for P265R225T009) (?the Variety'). It has exclusively licensed The Australian Nurserymen's Fruit Improvement Company Ltd (ANFIC) to propagate trees of the Variety in Australia
(Licensed Trees). Prevar proposes to enter into a trade mark licence and distribution agreement with Freshmax Pty Ltd, a fruit grower and marketer. Under this agreement, Prevar proposes to:

- N98517: grant to Freshmax the right to plant Licensed Trees and grant to Freshmax a licence to use the Trade Marks in respect of fruit of the Variety which meets certain quality standards and which is harvested from such Licensed Trees, on condition that Freshmax will acquire the Licensed Trees from ANFIC or ANFIC's member nurseries

- N98518: grant to Freshmax a licence to use the Trade Marks in respect of fruit of the Variety which meets certain quality standards and which is harvested from such Licensed Trees, on condition that Freshmax will acquire fruit of the Variety from growers approved of by Prevar who have entered into a fruit supply agreement with Freshmax.


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ACCC correspondence