
Amcor Ltd - acquisition of certain manufacturing assets of ABM Plastics, a company placed in receivership in November 2004. The assets acquired by Amcor from the receiver appointed to ABM Plastics were second-hand presses, extruders and ancillary equipment for the manufacture of flexible packaging.

Market definition

Supply of flexible plastic packaging in Australia.

Competition analysis

On 19 April 2005 the ACCC decided not to oppose the acquisition by Amcor of certain assets of ABM Plastics (Australia) Pty Ltd, a company placed in receivership in November 2004. The acquisition was considered unlikely to substantially lessen competition for the supply of flexible plastic packaging in Australia because:
- Amcor has not acquired any customer contracts or goodwill, such that ABM Plastics' former sales were contestable;
- the second-hand equipment acquired by Amcor does not represent significant manufacturing capacity;
- comparable equipment is available from overseas manufacturers, or second-hand;
- the acquisition has not removed a vigorous and effective competitor from the market; and
- other domestic and international suppliers of flexible plastic packaging are available to customers.

Merger type


