
  • APN Outdoor Group Limited


  • oOh!media Limited

Statement of issues

Document title Date
Statement of Issues


Date Event

ACCC commenced review under the Merger Process Guidelines.

Closing date for submissions from interested parties. ACCC assessing information provided during market inquiries and consulting with merger parties on any relevant issues or concerns arising.

ACCC requested further information from the merger parties.

ACCC received further information from the merger parties.

Former provisional date for announcement of findings (9 March 2017) delayed (to 16 March 2017), given the time required for merger parties to respond to 1 February information request, and to allow the ACCC to consider the information provided.

The merger parties requested that the ACCC delay the timeline to allow them to provide further information to the ACCC. The former provisional decision date of 16 March 2017 has therefore been delayed while the ACCC awaits the further information.

ACCC published a Statement of Issues outlining preliminary competition concerns.

Following an announcement by the merger parties that the proposed merger has been terminated, the ACCC has discontinued this review.