
  • Barloworld


  • Wattyl Limited

Market definition

For details regarding the market definition please see the Public Competition Assessment below.

Competition analysis

For details regarding the competition analysis please see the Public Competition Assessment below.

Statement of issues

Document title Date
ACCC Statement of Issues

Public competition assessment



Date Event

ACCC commenced review under its Merger Review Process Guidelines. Market inquiries commence.

Closing date for submissions from interested parties.

Barloworld advised ACCC that it intends to make a further submission addressing likely competition effects of proposed acquisition.

ACCC timeline suspended pending receipt of documents requested from Barloworld 27 February 2006.

ACCC received Barloworld's further submission.

ACCC received Barloworld's response to ACCC request dated 27 February 2006. ACCC timeline recommenced.

ACCC invited Barloworld to provide any further information addressing competition issues.

ACCC published a Statement of Issues outlining its preliminary competition concerns.

Closing date for submissions from interested parties responding to the ACCC's Statement of Issues.

ACCC received Barloworld's response to the ACCC's Statement of Issues.

ACCC received further submission from Barloworld.

ACCC requested further information in response to Barloworld's submission of 12 April 2006.

ACCC received further submission from Barloworld.

ACCC requested further information in response to Barloworld's submission of 18 April 2006.

ACCC received Barloworld's response to ACCC request dated 13 April 2006.

ACCC received Barloworld's response to ACCC request dated 19 April 2006.

Submission received by ACCC from Barloworld 26 April 2006. ACCC's indicative timeline suspended pending any request by Barloworld for new market inquiries by ACCC. ACCC's indicative decision date regarding proposed acquisition to be updated as soon as possible.

ACCC formally sought information and documents from industry participants.

Barloworld submitted s.87B Undertaking relating to its divestiture proposal for market inquiries by ACCC, and ACCC commenced market inquiries on Barloworld's proposed divestiture of certain Bristol assets. ACCC's indicative timeline recommenced.

Closing date for submissions from interested parties regarding Barloworld's proposed divestiture of certain Bristol assets.

ACCC's indicative timeline suspended pending receipt by ACCC of a submission from Barloworld. ACCC's indicative decision date regarding proposed acquisition to be updated as soon as possible.

Barloworld provided a submission to the ACCC and requested the ACCC's response.

ACCC responded to Barloworld regarding its submission dated 13 June 2006. ACCC's indicative timeline recommenced.

ACCC announced that it would oppose the proposed acquisition.