
  • Britax Childcare Pty Ltd


  • BabyLove Products Pty Ltd


Britax Childcare Pty Ltd proposes to acquire BabyLove Products Pty Ltd. Both firms manufacture and supply child car restraints throughout Australia, and also import and distribute infant wheeled goods (strollers and prams) onto the Australian market.

Market definition

1) The market for child car restraints for ages up to 3 to 4 years old (type A, type B and type AB restraints) in Australia;

2) The market for child booster seats for ages 3 to 7 years old (type BE and type E restraints) in Australia; and

3) The market for infant wheeled goods (strollers and prams) in Australia.

Competition analysis

In relation to the market for child car restraints for ages up to 3 to 4 years old, the ACCC formed the view that in the high end segment of the market, Britax is the very clear leader. BabyLove is not a significant competitor in this segment, so the acquisition will only marginally increase Britax's share of sales. In the low and medium end segments, the bargaining power of large retail chains is relatively strong, and potential barriers to entry such as brand loyalty are less significant.

In terms of the market for child booster seats for ages 3 to 7 years old, the ACCC formed the view that barriers to entry are not high, brand loyalty is not particularly significant and countervailing power is relatively strong.

In relation to the market for infant wheeled goods, the ACCC formed the view that there is a high level of imports (over 95 per cent), and supply is not heavily concentrated.

After consideration of the information provided by market participants and other information before it, the ACCC formed the view that the proposed acquisition is unlikely to result in a substantial lessening of competition in the markets outlined above, and decided that it would not oppose the proposed acquisition.

Statement of issues

Document title Date
Statement of Issues

Public competition assessment


Date Event

ACCC commences review under the Merger Review Process Guidelines.

ACCC commences market inquiries

Closing date for submissions from interested parties.

Proposed announcement of ACCC's findings

Proposed announcement delayed until early July to allow for provision of additional information. Timeline suspended

Proposed announcement delayed until mid July to allow for provision of additional information

Proposed announcement delayed until late July (delay requested by merger parties to allow for provision of additional information)

Additional material received from merger parties. Timeline recommenced.

ACCC publishes a Statement of Issues outlining preliminary competition concerns

Closing date for submissions from interested parties responding to the ACCC's Statement of Issues

Proposed announcement of ACCC's findings delayed to allow for further inquiries

ACCC announced that it would not oppose the acquisition