
  • Drum Makers Pty Ltd


  • Greif Australia Pty Limited


Drum Makers Pty Ltd - a wholly owned subsidiary of Visy Steel Products Pty Limited - proposed to acquire the rigid industrial packaging business of Greif Australia Pty Ltd.

Competition analysis

Drum Makers withdrew its request for informal merger clearance prior to the annoucement of the ACCC's findings.

Statement of issues

Document title Date
Statement of Issues


Date Event

Drum Makers advised the ACCC of the public announcement of the proposed acquisition. ACCC commenced review under the Merger Review Process Guidelines. Market inquires commenced.

Timeline suspended pending receipt of information requested from Drum Makers.

Closing date for submissions from interested parties.

ACCC received further information from Drum Makers. ACCC's indicative timeline recommenced.

Timeline suspended pending receipt of further information from Drum Makers.

Further information received from Drum Makers. ACCC's indicative timeline recommenced.

ACCC publishes Statement of Issues.

Closing date for submission on Statement of Issues.

ACCC requested further information from the parties. ACCC timeline suspended.

Drum Makers provided partial response to information request dated 4 May 2007.

Former proposed date for announcement of ACCC's findings amended to allow for parties' responses to ACCC's request of 4 May 2007 and the ACCC's Statement of Issues.

Drum Makers withdrew its request for informal merger clearance prior to the announcement of the ACCC's findings. The ACCC terminated its review.