
  • Impress Group B.V.


  • Amcor Packaging Pty Ltd


Impress Group B.V. proposes to acquire the business and assets relating to Amcor Packaging's food can and aerosol businesses.

Market definition

The proposed acquisition was considered in the context of the market for the supply of food cans in Australia.

Competition analysis

On 2 October 2007, the ACCC decided to not intervene in the proposed acquisition.

The ACCC concluded that a substantial lessening of competition with respect to the supply of food cans in Australia is unlikely because the merger parties' food can operations overlap only to a limited extent.

The ACCC further concluded that the sale of Amcor's aerosol business to Impress is unlikely to raise competition concerns because Impress has no presence in Australia in relation to aerosol products.


Date Event

ACCC commences review under Merger Review Process Guidelines. Market inquiries commence.

Closing date for submissions from interested parties.

ACCC announced it would not oppose the proposed acquisition.