
  • MYOB Group Limited


  • Reckon Limited's Accountants Group


MYOB proposes to acquire the Accountants Group from Reckon Limited. The proposed acquisition includes three Reckon businesses:
- Reckon APS
- Reckon Elite
- Reckon Docs
The transaction includes all associated clients, IP, systems and employees for these businesses.

Statement of issues

Document title Date
Statement of Issues


Date Event

ACCC commenced review under the Merger Process Guidelines.

Closing date for submissions from interested parties.

Former provisional date for announcement of findings (22 March) delayed to allow MYOB more time to provide additional information.

ACCC received further information from MYOB.

ACCC published a Statement of Issues outlining preliminary competition concerns.

On or around 9 April, the ACCC requested further information from certain industry participants, MYOB and Reckon.

Closing date for submissions relating to Statement of Issues.

ACCC is waiting on information requested on or around 9 April. Former proposed date for announcement of findings (30th May) is delayed.

ACCC received the majority of information requested on or around 9 April.

ACCC has discontinued this review after MYOB announced that the acquisition will not proceed.