
  • Pact Group Pty Ltd


  • Brickwood Holdings Pty Ltd


Pact Group proposed to acquire the packaging business of Brickwood Holdings Pty Ltd, Logan Moulders Pty Ltd, Full View Plastics Pty Ltd and the units in the Full View Plastics Unit Trust (together Brickwood plastic business).

Market definition

Please refer to detailed Public Competition Assessment below.

Competition analysis

Please refer to detailed Public Competition Assessment below.

Statement of issues

Document title Date
Statement of Issues

Public competition assessment

Document title Date
Public Competition Assessment


Date Event

Pact Group advised ACCC of the proposed acquisition. ACCC commenced review under the Merger Review Process Guidelines.

Market inquiries commence.

ACCC requested further information from Pact Group. ACCC timeline suspended.

ACCC received further information from Pact Group. ACCC timeline recommenced.

Closing date for submissions from interested parties.

ACCC requested further information from Pact Group. ACCC timeline suspended.

ACCC received further information from Pact Group. ACCC timeline recommenced.

ACCC published a Statement of Issues outlining preliminary competition concerns. Former proposed date of 19 September 2007 for announcement of ACCC's findings amended to 19 October 2007 to allow for consultation on Statement of Issues.

ACCC requested further information from Pact Group and Brickwood. ACCC timeline suspended.

Closing date for submissions relating to Statement of Issues.

ACCC received partial response to information request dated 20 September 2007.

Former proposed date of 19 October 2007 for announcement of ACCC's findings amended to 26 October 2007 to allow for consideration of further information received.

ACCC received final response to information request dated 20 September 2007. ACCC timeline recommenced.

Former proposed date of 26 October 2007 for announcement of ACCC's findings amended to 31 October 2007 to allow for Pact Group to provide further information. Revised ACCC indicative decision date to be identified as soon as possible following receipt of Pact Group's further submission.

ACCC received further information from Pact Group. ACCC timeline recommenced.

ACCC announced its decision to oppose the proposed acquisition.