
  • Saputo Dairy Australia Pty Ltd


  • Murray Goulburn Co-operative Co Limited


Saputo Dairy Australia Pty Ltd proposes to acquire Murray Goulburn's operating assets.

Market definition

Please refer to the Public Competition Assessment.

Competition analysis

Please refer to the Public Competition Assessment.

Statement of issues

Document title Date
Statement of Issues

Public competition assessment

Document title Date
Public Competition Assessment


Document title Date
Final s87B Undertaking


Date Event

ACCC commenced review under the Merger Process Guidelines.

Closing date for submissions from interested parties.

ACCC requested further information from Saputo.

ACCC received further information from Saputo.

Former provisional decision date of 15 February 2018 delayed due to the ACCC requiring more time to consider data and other information.

ACCC published a Statement of Issues outlining preliminary competition concerns.

Saputo announced that it proposes to offer an undertaking to the ACCC to divest the Koroit facility to address the ACCC's competition concerns.

Closing date for submissions relating to Statement of Issues.

ACCC commenced market inquiries on the draft undertaking offered by Saputo.

Closing date for submissions relating to draft section 87B undertaking.

Former proposed decision date of 29 March 2018 delayed to allow the ACCC to consider the feedback received from market participants on the undertaking proposed by Saputo.

ACCC announced it would not oppose the proposed acquisition, subject to a section 87B undertaking accepted by the ACCC.