
  • Transpacific Industries Group Ltd


  • Stepjo Pty Ltd


Transpacific has acquired the business and assets of Stepjo Pty Ltd trading as Big Boys Bins.

Market definition

Collection of solid waste in the south-east Queensland region.

Competition analysis

On 5 December 2007, the ACCC announced its decision not to oppose the acquisition by Transpacific of Stepjo Pty Ltd, trading as Big Boy's Bins.

The ACCC considered that the acquisition of Big Boy's Bins was unlikely to substantially lessen competition in the relevant abovementioned markets, due to the existence of alternative competitive providers which will remain available to customers.


Date Event

Transpacific acquired Stepjo Pty Ltd, trading as Big Boys Bins.

ACCC commenced review under Merger Review Process Guidelines. Market inquiries commenced.

Closing date for submissions from interested parties.

ACCC announced it would not oppose the proposed acquisition.