
  • TRUenergy Pty Ltd


  • Sun Gas<br/> Sun Retail


TRUenergy sought an informal clearance to acquire Sun Retail and Sun Gas, which were being sold by the Queensland Government pursuant to a tender process.

Market definition

The ACCC did not consider it was necessary to reach a conclusive view in relation to market definition for this matter. However, the likely key relevant markets were electricity retailing and gas retailing markets.

Competition analysis

TRUenergy and Sun Retail are both retailers of electricity to large or industrial customers in Queensland. As such, the proposed acquisition will result in some horizontal aggregation in Queensland.

Nevertheless, this aggregation is likely to be minor, given the relatively small scale of TRUenergy's operations in Queensland. No vertical integration issues arose in the ACCC's assessment.

Therefore, the ACCC considered that the proposed acquisition was unlikely to lead to a substantial lessening of competition.


Date Event

ACCC commenced review under the Merger Review Process Guidelines. Market inquiries commenced

Closing date for submissions from interested parties

ACCC announced that it would not oppose the proposed acquisition