Undertaking date

Undertaking type

s.87B undertaking

Reference number



s. 47(6)

Company or individual details

  • The Johnstone Shire Council, Giandomenico Holdings Pty Ltd, F. Giandomenico and Remo Giandomenico


Johnstone Shire Council and IQC Quarries have undertaken to delete a stipulation in a Lease Agreement between the Johnstone Shire Council and IQC Quarries that required all contracts let by the Johnstone Shire Council and requiring the use of quarry products, to stipulate that those quarry products would be purchased from IQC Quarries.

Johnstone Shire Council and IQC Quarries will cause a variation of the Lease Agreement to be registered with the Registrar of Titles.

Johnstone Shire Council has undertaken to refrain from making a requirement within any tender documents and contracts that contractors must purchase quarry products from a specific supplier, other than Johnstone Shire Council itself.

Johnstone Shire Council and ICQ Quarries will implement a trade practice compliance program.