Undertaking date

Undertaking type

s.87B undertaking

Reference number



ss. 52, 53(d) & 53(g)

Company or individual details

  • Name

    TMG Asia Pacific Pty Ltd


    119 828 698
  • The Mobile Generation I BV


The Mobile Generation I BV, a Dutch based company and its related Australian based company, TMG Asia Pacific Pty Ltd, have provided an undertaking to address the ACCC's concerns regarding their promotion via an internet pop-up of a Wixawin mobile premium subscription quiz service.

  • The ACCC’s main concerns were:
  • the use of the Woolworths logo in the promotion;
  • that the promotion did not make it clear that residents of the ACT, Victoria and Queensland were ineligible for any prizes, but would still incur charges for participating; and
  • that the other relevant terms and conditions, including cost, were provided as fine print disclaimers.

TMG I BV and TMG Asia Pacific Pty Ltd have agreed as part of their undertaking to communicate clearly in any future promotions:

  • who is eligible to enter the competition;
  • the nature of the services provided;
  • who the services are being promoted by; and
  • the terms and conditions (including as to price) to which consumer's agree when they acquire the services.

As part of providing court orders by consent as a result of a separate investigation for its TV ads, TMG Asia Pacific will be implementing a trade practices compliance program.