Undertaking date

Undertaking type

s.87B undertaking

Reference number



s. 65C

Company or individual details

  • Name

    U. Games Australia Pty Ltd


    078 248 049


U. Games Australia Pty Ltd is an importer and distributor of toys, games and puzzles including the Thomas & Friends' swimming arm bands which did not comply with the Australian Standard 1900-1991 'Flotation toys and swimming aids for children'.

U Games Australia Pty Ltd has provided court enforceable undertakings to the ACCC that it will:

  • refrain from supplying any flotation toys or swimming aids that do not comply with the relevant mandatory consumer product safety and information standards which may apply to such products;
  • post in-store recall notices in all retail stores that received the Thomas & Friends arm bands and on U. Games Australia Pty Ltd's website; and
  • implement a trade practices compliance program for their employees and other persons involved in its business.