The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission has reached an administrative resolution in concluding its investigations of Fisher & Paykel's practices in relation to retail pricing of whitegoods.

"The ACCC identified incidents of concerns as to the way in which some Fisher & Paykel senior and other sales staff have communicated to retailers about retail prices", ACCC  Chairman, Mr Graeme Samuel, said today. "We were looking closely at the company to determine if there was a practice of discouraging retailers from discounting Fisher & Paykel products". 

"Fisher & Paykel has assisted the ACCC in its investigation and conducted an internal review of its processes. 

"Fisher & Paykel has prepared a practical guide for its sales staff, is conducting trade practices law training and has written to all retailers confirming that they are free to set their own retail prices".

Mr Samuel said that in concluding the ACCC's investigations, an effective and positive resolution had been achieved.  The concerns that have been addressed focus on obligations of both manufacturers and retailers under the Trade Practices Act 1974 in relation to the setting of prices.

Whilst discussions between retailers and manufacturers about wholesale and retail prices are an every day fact of life, manufacturers cannot dictate the retail price of their products.

In writing to its retailers, Fisher & Paykel has confirmed it will not involve itself in complaints by retailers about the pricing practices of other retailers.

"It is not an appropriate practice for manufacturers to intervene on behalf of any particular retailer who is attempting to prevent others from discounting", Mr Samuel said. "To do so places both the retailer and manufacturers at risk of breaching the Trade Practices Act".