Warranties for a termite protection product, Termimesh, has been extended under certain conditions, and claims made about the product altered, after an Australian Competition and Consumer Commission investigation.

"The ACCC had received a complaint that Termimesh degraded to the extent that termites are able to breach the barrier", ACCC Chairman, Mr Graeme Samuel, said today.

"But the ACCC found no evidence of widespread degradation or that consumers were left unprotected". 

The ACCC contacted TMA Corporation, which produced Termimesh, in response to the complaint.

"The ACCC was concerned that the use of the term permanent protection on the Termimesh website, which began in 2002, may have misled consumers as to the level of protection offered by the product or the term of the warranty offered.

"TMA Corporation has agreed to stop using the term permanent in its publications or promotions.

"Also it will extend its material warranty, from 10 years to 20 years, for buyers of Termimesh since July 2002 who remain the owners of the property, and who request the warranty extension.

"The ACCC urges consumers to contact TMA for the extended warranty by Friday 24 June, 2005.

"TMA Corporation will also prominently advertise in newspapers to notify customers of the warranty extension.  Consumers wishing to ensure they are covered by the extended warranty, or wishing to obtain further details about this should contact TMA Corporation on 1800 632 111".