Draft decision29 Apr 2008

The ACCC released a draft decision on Telstra’s LCS and WLR exemption applications, proposing to grant Telstra exemptions from its standard access obligations. The exemptions proposed by the ACCC are not as broad as those requested by Telstra. The proposed exemptions cover approximately 4 million of Telstra’s copper lines—over half of Telstra's lines in metropolitan Australia.

Given the common issues in Telstra’s exemption applications of 9 July 2007 and 12 October 2007 the ACCC issued a joint draft decision on both sets of applications. Written submissions were due by 27 May 2008.

Extension of statutory decision making

On 11 October 2007 Telstra requested a two week extension for the lodgment of submissions in response to the discussion paper. Telstra stated that extra time would enable it to provide further information directly relevant to the ACCC’s assessment of the exemption applications.

The exemption applications for WLR and LCS were the first in a series of exemption applications following the policy principles expounded in the second position paper of the Fixed Services Review. In light of the novel nature of these exemption applications, the ACCC considered that an extension was warranted.

The ACCC decided to receive and consider any submissions, or additional supporting information on existing submissions, lodged with the ACCC by 1 November, 2007.