Discussion paper17 Apr 2014

On 17 April 2014, the ACCC commenced a public inquiry into varying the final access determinations for the unconditioned loal loop service (ULLS), line sharing service (LSS), wholesale line rental (WLR) service and local carriage service (LCS).


This inquiry considers whether the ACCC should vary the LCS and WLR service final access determinations to reflect the ACCC’s recent decision to remove the regulatory ‘carve outs’ for the central business districts of Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth and Adelaide.

It further considers whether the ACCC  should vary the existing ULLS and LSS final access determinations to implement a regulated price for the internal interconnect cable (IIC) service. The ACCC currently regulates the price for the IIC service through two arbitral determinations which apply to seven access seekers and which will expire on 30 June 2014.

Discussion paper

The ACCC has released a discussion paper to assist industry and other interested parties in making submissions to the inquiry. The discussion paper provides the background to the proposed variation, the assessment framework for making a decision and the ACCC’s preliminary views.

The ACCC invites submissions from interested parties by no later than 5 pm 19 May 2014.